Bereavement Support Line 1800 80 70 77

Funding & Accountability

We deliver extensive programmes in a broad range of areas relating to dying, death and bereavement. We receive limited funding from the State, which is restricted to specific programmes.  In 2021 over 75% of our income come from voluntary sources.  

We rely on your public and philanthropic donations to fund the majority of our work and so it is essential you feel confident in what we do and particularly in how we use your money.  

What we do to ensure your funds are used well  

  • Our accounts are externally audited and published annually
  • We are a registered charity both with the Charities Section of the Revenue Commissioners (CHY6830) and the Charities Regulatory Authority (No. 20013554); 
  • We prepare our financial statements in accordance with FRS102 and the Charities SORP (Statement of Recommended Practice) (FRS102) as issued by the Charity Commission and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator; 
  • We are compliant with the Governance Code for Community and Voluntary Organisations in Ireland since 14th April 2015, and we operate within with the Charities Regulatory Authority Governance Code; 
  • We are compliant with the ‘Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public’, issued by the Charities Regulatory Authority. We respond fully to every public and media query we receive on our funding; 
  • We are governed by a Board, all are volunteers and donate freely of their time, skills and experience.  
  • Two independent financial experts sit on our Finance and Remuneration Sub-Committee; 
  • At every Board meeting, Directors and senior managers present are asked to declare any conflict of interests; 
  • Our strategic plan 2020-2025 sets out our goals and objectives for the coming years. 

In our work we remember the words of the founder of the modern hospice movement, Dame Cicely Saunders who said; 

 “You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life. We will do all we can not only to help you die peacefully, but also to live until you die.”

We acknowledge funding received from Pobal under the Scheme to Support National Organisations 2016 – 2019, 2019 – 2022 and 2022 – 2025. The Scheme to Support National Organisations is funded by the Government of Ireland through the Department of Rural and Community Development. 

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