A Gift in Your Will
Considering who to remember with a parting gift in your Will is one of the most meaningful and life-affirming decisions you will ever make.
Legacy gifts or ‘gifts in will’ are an important source of income for us, allowing us to make long-term plans in support of end-of-life and bereavement care across Ireland. They are also a way of enabling you to continue to support our work beyond your lifetime.
Many of us will be in a position to give more in our Will than we ever could while we are alive. Including a gift in your Will to Irish Hospice Foundation won’t cost you anything in your lifetime but will help ensure our work will continue to benefit those facing end of life and bereavement, and those closest to them, for generations to come.

Free Online Will Writing Service
Writing or amending your Will need not be difficult or expensive. Irish Hospice Foundation offers a Free Will Service for our supporters and their partners. You can create a simple Will, free of charge, using an online Will writing service. We are a charity partner of FreeWill Ireland. The FreeWill offering will be suitable for many people, but for those with more complex circumstances, it is generally recommended to use the services of a solicitor.
There’s no obligation to do so, but we would be extremely grateful if you could support us with a gift in your Will. If you include a gift in your Will to Irish Hospice Foundation you can help us improve end-of-life and bereavement care in all settings across Ireland. Every death matters and we only have one chance to get it right. By remembering us in your Will you can help us make this vision a reality.
Why Make a Will?
Making a Will is the best way of ensuring that your wishes are met, and the people and causes you care about are looked after.
Write your Will online
To help you get started with writing a Will from the comfort of your own home, we’ve teamed up with FreeWill Ireland, and their online partner Last Will to provide you with a free online Will writing service.
- When you have decided you would like to use this service, please contact Anna Sadlier below, to receive your unique weblink for your free Will. You will also receive a simple Will Guidance document by return email.
- Review the guidance material before completing your online Will. Plan your will, taking account of your various assets, liabilities and wishes for the future.
- When you’re ready to start drafting your Will, click on the link sent to you to start your free online will.
- There are a number of sections and you can review and edit these as you progress.
- Once the system has generated your Will (it will be sent to your email), simply print it out and follow the instructions to sign it and have it witnessed.
- Store your Will in a safe place. It is recommended to make other relevant people aware of its location.
There is no charge for a standard Will, which is suitable for most people.
If you find your Will is more complicated and you want to take legal advice, you can ask FreeWill to refer you to their partner solicitor (but there is as a fee for this). The will can be reviewed either in person or via Zoom.
When you leave our website, you can check the separate privacy policies of FreeWill Ireland and Last Will on their websites.
FAQs about Gifts in Will and Free Will Service
You can make a Will at any stage of your life. You don’t have to be sick or getting older to make one, and the peace of mind you’ll gain from having a valid Will in place can be of great comfort. We suggest contacting your solicitor who’ll be able to give you professional advice based on your personal circumstances and answer any questions you might have. If you don’t have a solicitor of choice, contact the Law Society of Ireland for a list of solicitors in your area.
You can find information before starting your Will at this link. Along with your voucher code, they will also send you a guidance document to help you prepare.
It’s important you review your Will regularly, particularly if there is a significant change in your life circumstances, like getting married, buying a new house, having a baby or you are about to retire.
Even if you have an existing Will, it can be changed to include a gift to Irish Hospice Foundation. This change is called a “codicil” and can be easily drawn up by your solicitor.
There are three ways in you can leave a gift to Irish Hospice Foundation in your Will:
- A residuary bequest: This means the remainder or part of the remainder of your estate is left to Irish Hospice Foundation once all of your family and loved ones have been taken care of.
- A pecuniary bequest: This is a specific sum of money you would like to donate to Irish Hospice Foundation from your estate. You can ask for this donation amount to be index-linked to ensure its value remains the same over time.
- A specific gift of property: For example, jewellery, household items, a building or shares.
Your solicitor will be able to give you advice on which option best suits your wishes and personal circumstances.
No. Your Will is your business so it’s entirely up to you whether you choose to leave us a gift or not.
Unless you tell us, we won’t know you have left a gift until the time comes for your Will to be read. It is always lovely to hear from supporters so we can thank you for your gift and stay in touch, but that is up to you. There is a tickbox option in the will to so that they can take note of all bequests made – but people are identified from so doing.
Including a gift to IHF in your Will does not make it a binding commitment while you are still alive. You can change your mind and amend your Will again at any time.
Our organisation details for your solicitor are as follows:
Charity Name: Irish Hospice Foundation
Registered Offices: Morrison Chambers, 32 Nassau Street, Dublin 2, D02 X627
Registered Charity Number: 20013554
Revenue CHY Number: 6830
Your solicitor may find the following wording helpful if you’d like to remember us in your Will.
For a gift of the residue of an estate:
“I give to Irish Hospice Foundation of 32 Nassau Street, Dublin 2, all [or a fraction] of the residue of my estate whatsoever and wheresoever, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of the said Foundation shall be full and sufficient discharge of the same.”
For a gift of a fixed sum or specific item:
“I give the sum of €_______ or I bequeath ________ [the item specified] to Irish Hospice Foundation of 32 Nassau Street, Dublin 2, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of the said Foundation shall be full and sufficient discharge of the same.”
This is totally up to you. No matter how small or large your gift is, it will make a lasting difference to our work and will be hugely valued.
Legacies to charities are tax exempt. This means that by leaving a gift to Irish Hospice Foundation you can reduce the amount of inheritance tax payable on the rest of your estate.
Your generous gift will support people across Ireland facing end of life and bereavement and their families. It will help fund our vital programmes and services, including Nurses for Night Care and our Bereavement Support Line, and ensure our work will continue for generations to come.
If you would like further information about leaving a gift in your Will to Irish Hospice Foundation, please contact Anna at (01) 679 3188 or email [email protected].

Contact Anna
Contact Anna today about including a gift in your Will to Irish Hospice Foundation or the Free Will Service. Simply complete the form below or contact Anna at (01) 679 3188 or email [email protected].
Legacies Making a Difference . . .
Every death matters, and we only have one chance to get it right. Your gift in Will can make this happen. Many of our most caring and constant supporters are choosing to leave a gift in their Will to Irish Hospice Foundation, people like Marie and Valerie who have been touched by loss.
"I added Irish Hospice Foundation to my Will recently. When my Mam died, they were there for us as a family. The Nurse for Night Care took such a weight off our shoulders at that time. I want to give that support to other families."
"My mum and dad and husband have passed away. I think of them when I give to charities that are dear to me. It's so important to make a Will, and it costs you nothing to add a charity close to your heart. I'm happy knowing there will be money left for Irish Hospice Foundation, that I will make a difference to someone."
We are a proud member of My Legacy, an umbrella group of 90 Irish charities who work together to promote the great importance of making a will and to ask people to consider leaving a legacy gift to a favourite charity, once family and friends have been taken care of and all other important personal decisions have been made.
If you’re considering leaving a gift in your Will to Irish Hospice Foundation, contact Anna at (01) 679 3188 or email [email protected].