When you’re living with an illness that’s no longer curable, it can be difficult to know where or who to turn to. But, support is available.
Care that enhances your quality of life can be accessed, so you can continue to live to the best of your abilities. This can be delivered at home, a hospital, in a nursing home, hospice or your local primary care setting. Planning ahead is also something to consider at this time. Find out more below.
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In this section
Palliative Care
This type of care focuses on relieving pain and other symptoms and improving your quality of life when you have a serious illness.
I want to Plan Ahead
When you're seriously ill, planning for your future medical care will help ensure your wishes are respected and carried out as your illness progresses.
Dying Well at Home
For most Irish people, home is where we would like to spend our final days. Supporting a home death can be a rewarding and comforting experience for both family and carers.
Talk to Those You Care About
Living with a serious illness brings many challenges but sharing your feelings about the future can help you manage and take some control of your life.
End of Life
Where you will spend your final days is something you might be thinking about alot. Here you'll find information on the different settings where that may happen.
Financial Supports
Information on emergency and other types of medical cards and how to apply for them, payments after death, bereavement payments and other useful links.