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Caring at End of Life

Caring at End of Life

An information hub for those caring for someone who is seriously ill or dying, and in need of help and resources. 

Caring for Someone at Home Nearing the End of Life

Practical information about providing end-of-life care in your home, staying in contact with services, advice for self-care and answers to questions regarding COVID-19 concerns.

What can I do when I can’t visit a loved one who is dying?

During these difficult times you may have a family member, friend or loved one who is in the last weeks or days of their life. Due to cocooning or visiting restrictions you may not be able to visit them. This PDF offers some ideas and suggestions for you to stay connected with your loved one.

Practical information: caring for someone at the end of life at home

The brief, practical information in this PDF has been adapted from the “What you can do to practically care for someone who is in their last days and hours of life” document developed by the HSE National Clinical Programme for Palliative Care and information from the Helix Centre and NHS End-of-life Care Toolkit for Carers at Home.

When someone you care about is dying in hospital: what to expect

If someone you care about is dying in hospital, this resource may help you to know what to expect in the last days and hours of their life. This can be an emotional and challenging time for you; we hope the information here will help to make this time a little easier.

When Someone You Care About is Dying in a Nursing Home: What to Expect

If someone you care about is dying in a nursing home you may be worried about many things. This PDF provides easy-to-understand information and advice to help you to know what to expect.

Palliative Care: What is it and who is it for?

Download our booklet on palliative care that aims to make you feel comfortable and supported throughout your illness.
