About the Bereavement Support Line
Every day, people in Ireland experience the death of someone close. Grief isn’t something we “get over” in the weeks or months after a death but can be experienced for years and decades to come. Bereavement does not follow a definite pattern and can be different for everyone.
No one has to grieve alone. Our Bereavement Support Line, in partnership with the HSE, is there to provide connection, comfort and support. It is a shoulder for you to lean on.
What Is It?
It is a national freephone service 1800 80 70 77 available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday.
- We aim to provide a confidential space for people to speak about their experience or to ask questions relating to the death of someone they cared about.
- We will listen to what a person says about what has happened.
- We will do our best to provide comfort and emotional support.
- We will provide any information that might help the caller, including information on practical supports.
- We will provide support for employers or professionals who want to inform the care their organisation can offer to bereaved colleagues.
The service is confidential. What you tell us will not be shared except in certain circumstances where, for safeguarding reasons, we may need to share your information with the emergency services. On the call, we might ask your first name, because it’s a natural question to ask in a conversation, but you don’t have to tell us if you prefer not to.
Further Information
Visit our FAQ section here
Can You Help Spread the Word?
We would like as many people as possible in Ireland to know about this new free service. We have prepared a Bereavement Support Line information pack and a promotional assets page with resources and graphics for web and social media. Please feel free to view/download/share/print/forward these documents and graphics. Thank you.