Bereavement Support Line 1800 80 70 77

Bereavement Support Line FAQs

Who Can Call?

Anyone over 18 can call. This includes people who:

  • May have been recently bereaved, through COVID-19 or a different cause of death
  • May be concerned about somebody else who has been bereaved
  • May wish to call because a previous bereavement feels more difficult at this time
  • May be a professional who wants to inform the care their organisation can offer to bereaved colleagues.

What can I expect when I call?

A safe space to speak about your bereavement experience. We will do our best to acknowledge, support and provide information that might help including information on practical supports.

What about children?

The support line is for adults. Barnardos provide a Children’s Bereavement Helpline Service (01) 4732110 which is available from 10am-12pm Monday to Thursday.

Is the service free?

Yes, the service is free from Irish landlines and mobiles.

What are the hours of operation?

The support line is open from 10am – 1pm from Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays). If the line is busy when you call, we can call you back if you leave your contact details. There are also a number of support materials on our website in our new bereavement & loss hub which has been specifically set up to provide resources to support people impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Is it a professional counselling service?

It is not a professional counselling service. The line is staffed by Irish Hospice Foundation, HSE personnel and volunteers who are specially trained to provide support and information. Our staff are not counsellors or therapists. However, we can provide information on other services which provide this level of care, if that is required.

Who is providing the service?

Irish Hospice Foundation is providing the service, in conjunction with the HSE.
