Bereavement Support Line 1800 80 70 77

Bereavement Workshop for Frontline Workers

Bereavement Workshop Frontline Workers

This is a free event hosted by the Kildare Bereavement Network for frontline workers, to raise awareness of the impact of bereavement and the supports available in Kildare.  

Event details 

Venue: Solas Bhríde, Kildare town, Co. Kildare
Date: Thursday, March 23rd
Time: 7pm – 8:30pm
Cost: Free

Who should attend?

If you work in any way with the public and people who are bereaved, this event will be of benefit to you. Some of the professionals that might benefit include: GP practice nurses, GP administration staff, public health nurses, social prescribers, chaplains, Gardai, citizen information staff, library staff, funeral directors, mortuary staff, Family Resource Centre staff, hospital or hospice staff, primary care centre staff and many more.

Guest Speakers:

Lorraine Shortt is a Counselling Psychologist. She has been the In Sync Youth Counselling Service Co-Ordinator for the past 14 years. In Sync, a TUSLA and HSE funded service, provides counselling support to young people aged between 11-25 and their families based in County Kildare.

Dr. Amanda Roberts works in a Bereavement Development role with the Irish Hospice Foundation. She has worked in areas of bereavement, health or social care for over 25 years in various roles including healthcare researcher, lecturer, social care worker and in a service development role.  Her current role involves working collaboratively with bereavement support providers at a local and national level to enhance bereavement care in Ireland.

Followed by a Q&A

Why should you attend?

The event will provide information about grief and the range of bereavement supports available in Kildare. 

Our professional speaker will talk about the process of grief and why some people may need additional support after a loss. Many of the support services available in Kildare will host stands at the event and you will get an opportunity to meet with the service providers. There will be some bereavement information and service information available for you to take away on the night. 

A wide range of bereavement services will be in attendance, including those who support those bereaved by suicide, cancer, homicide, sudden cardiac death, traffic collision, loss of a baby, and services who support bereaved parents, bereaved children and bereaved adults. These services offer a range of supports from information, support groups, peer support and/or counselling. 

There is free parking available at the venue, for more information see

If you have any queries please email [email protected]

This is a free event but booking is required.

This event is hosted by Kildare Bereavement Network and funded by Irish Hospice Foundation’s Local Bereavement Development Grant.

More information about the Kildare Bereavement Network: The Kildare Bereavement Network are a network of bereavement service providers who operate within the Kildare region. Services are either registered charities or state provided. Current members include: Bethany Bereavement Support Service, CRY Ireland, Curragh Family Resource Centre, HSE Mental Health Service (Office for Suicide Prevention), Insync Youth and Family Services, Kildare Local Community Development Committee, LMC Bereavement Support, Naas General Hospital, Pieta, Rainbows Ireland, Support After Homicide, and Turas Le Cheile.

Other national services affiliated with Kildare Bereavement Network include: A Little Lifetime, Anam Cara, Barnardos Children’s Bereavement Service, Feileacain, FirstLight, HUGG, Irish Road Victims Association, LauraLynn, Pieta.
