Local Bereavement Development Grants
Irish Hospice Foundation award a number of Local Bereavement Development (LBD) grants annually. The grant aims to encourage and support collaborative bereavement developments at a local level. Already existing groups and newly formed groups are eligible to apply.
The application deadline for our 2024 Local Bereavement Development Grants has been extended to Friday, 6th December.
Who can apply for a grant?
A group of organisations who provide some level of bereavement support to the public and operate in the same geographical region e.g. county, CHO area etc.
Eligibility criteria include:
- There must be a minimum of six organisations in the group
- All organisations must provide some level of bereavement support to adults and/or families (e.g. information, peer support, counselling etc).
- All organisations must operate within the geographical area that is the focus of this application
- At least 50% of the organisations in the group must be non-governmental organisations
- All organsiations must demonstrate transparent governance and NGOs must be registered with the Charity Regulator
How do I apply?
The application form for 2024 is now available. You can download this form and print it yourself to scan back to us, or you can fill it in online. Completed applications can be submitted via email to [email protected] by the extended deadline of Friday, 6th December.
You can also fill out the application form via MSForms. You cannot save this form and go back later. Once the form is open, you have the flexibility to revisit questions to edit your answers. However, edits cannot be made once a form has been closed, submitted, or deleted.
For more information about the grant, read the FAQs below or download the Local Bereavement Development Grant 2024 Information Pack.
Frequently Asked Questions
The grant is a once off award for a group of five or more organisations who provide some level of bereavement support and all operate within a geographical region e.g. county. The grant aims to encourage and support collaborative bereavement developments at a local or regional level. Existing networks and networks formed for the purpose of the grant are welcome to apply.
The aim of the LBD Grants are to enhance bereavement care provision through local collaboration among organisations providing bereavement care.
Projects will be considered for the Grant that will result in any of the following:
- Promote local bereavement organsiations to work together;
- Improve bereavement care provision to the general public (e.g. raise awareness, provide information, improve referral pathways etc.);
- Improve bereavement care provision to a at risk group for complex or prolonged grief;
- Continual development and support of staff and volunteers to deliver excellent bereavement care at the various levels provision (see adult framework for bereavement care for more details on levels of service provision)
This grant scheme is part of Irish Hospice Foundation’s bereavement strategy and its commitment to supporting the enhancement of bereavement care across Ireland.
Yes. Grants are given up to a maximum value of €1000.
If your project budget exceeds €1000, you may apply for a grant of €1000 but must indicate in the application the total budget required and supply information about how your group commits to meet the shortfall.
Yes. Applications for 2024 must be submitted by the extended deadline of 5pm on Friday, 6th December 2024.
A group of organisations who provide some level of bereavement support to the public and operate in the same geographical region e.g. county, CHO area etc.
Eligibility criteria include:
- There must be a minimum of six organisations in the group
- All organisations must provide some level of bereavement support to adults and/or families (e.g. information, peer support, counselling etc.).
- All organisations must operate within the geographical area that is the focus of this application
- At least 50% of the organisations in the group must be non-governmental organisations
- All organsiations must demonstrate transparent governance and NGOs must be registered with the Charity Regulator
The application form is available to download. Completed applications can be submitted via email to [email protected] by the extended deadline of 5pm on Friday, 6th December 2024.
The IHF Local Bereavement Development Grant Selection committee will review all applications on closing of the application process. Each application will be scored against the following assessment criteria for the Grant.
- Meet all eligibility criteria
- The project to have one of the following aims:
- Promote local bereavement organsiations to work together
- Improve bereavement care provision to the general public (e.g. raise awareness, provide information, improve referral pathways etc.)
- Improve bereavement care provision to a at risk group for complex or prolonged grief
- Continual development and support of staff and volunteers to deliver excellent bereavement care at the various levels provision (see adult framework for bereavement care for more details on levels of service provision)
- Demonstrate clear and thoughtful planning
- Advanced consideration of any potential risks, resistance and adverse effects.
Applications that score higher on the score sheet will be given priority consideration for a Grant. Consideration will also be given to ensure a balanced geographical spread. All applicants will be informed by Friday 20th December 2024 if their proposal has been accepted for a Grant.
IHF will be in contact with you to arrange payment of the Grant. A timeline will be agreed for your project which will include start, end and review date.
Your project plan should include a review of the activity or event which is the focus of this grant application. You are required to submit a one-page report on your project after its completion date and include any findings or outcomes of your review.
You and IHF will agree a plan for presenting your project and sharing your experience at a IHF bereavement event.
IHF should be acknowledged in the branding and advertising of your project activity.
IHF team will be in contact with you to explain how your proposal was assessed against the selection criteria and the reasons why the Grant was not given.
No, any Grant awarded is done so based on the project outlined in the Grant application.
Local Bereavement Development Grants Recipients 2023
Seven grants were awarded in 2024 which funded seven collaborative projects, that took place this year. Funded activities included bereavement information evening for the public, a teacher and school community workshop on supporting children and young people, the development of a directory of local bereavement supports specific to the region and running a national awareness campaign.
Living with Loss, A Bereavement Information Evening for the Public.
When Someone Dies, A Bereavement Information Evening for the Public
Bereavement Service Directory
Teacher and School Community, Supporting Bereaved Children and Young People in the School Community
Gatherings for Grief, Living with Loss, A Bereavement Information Evening for the Public
Wave of Light for Baby Loss Awareness Week.
Bereavement and Loss Awareness Information Evening
Local Bereavement Development Grants Recipients 2022
Five grants were awarded in 2022 which funded five collaborative projects which took place in 2023. Funded activities included bereavement information events for the public and/or frontline professionals and the development of bereavement resource for those working in the community, including an online resource for chaplains/ministers and a directory of bereavement services for GP’s in Kildare.
Improving the Effectiveness of Bereavement Ministries Provided by Faith-Based Organisations.
Be Grief Aware. Bereavement knowledge for the frontline professional.
Gatherings for Grief
Living with Grief: A public bereavement information evening.
Living with Loss: A bereavement information for the public.
Local Bereavement Development Grants Recipients 2021
Three grants were awarded in 2021 which funded three collaborative projects which took place in 2022. Funded activities included bereavement information events for the public, bereavement information webinars for non-bereavement professionals and training for those working as a bereavement service provider. Some of the activities involved local collaborations with libraries and Family Resource Centres. Outlined below are some of the resulting collaborative projects
Bereavement Friendly Libraries Project by Kildare Bereavement Network
A Compassionate Community approach in Bereavement. A Family Resource Centre collaboration.
Grief informed and trauma informed bereavement care. Training for network members.