Bereavement Support Line 1800 80 70 77

National Grief Awareness Week 2025: Promotional Assets

An image with text that says, "Promotional Assets: National Grief Awareness Week, #BeGriefAware" and includes the Irish Hospice Foundation and National Grief Awareness Week logos.

Use the promotional assets below to help raise awareness of National Grief Awareness Week 2025 on social media, at work and in your community.

Click on the promotional assets to download and save.

Thank you for supporting this campaign!

Promotional Assets: Promotion Pack

This downloadable promotion pack includes information about National Grief Awareness Week 2025, including key messages and social media assets you can share across your channels.

Promotion Pack – National Grief Awareness Week 2025

Promotional Assets: Posters

Click the image to download the digital poster, or to request hardcopies, email: [email protected]

A screenshot of a poster promoting Irish Hospice Foundation's National Grief Awareness Week 2025

National Grief Awareness Week – A4 Poster

National Grief Awareness Week Event Poster – A4 Poster

A screenshot of a poster promoting Irish Hospice Foundation's Bereavement Support Line.

Bereavement Support Line – A4 Poster

Promotional Assets: Social Graphics

Suggested Tweet:

There are no stages of grief; it ebbs and flows. Some feelings might come occasionally or catch you by surprise. Others might be more persistent. For bereavement supports, visit @IrishHospice’s Bereavement Hub 👉

#BeGriefAware #NGAW2025

Suggested Tweet:

Grief is as unique to an individual as their fingerprint. There is no one right way to grieve, and no two people’s reactions will be the same. For bereavement supports, visit @IrishHospice’s Bereavement Hub 👉

#BeGriefAware #NGAW2025

Suggested Tweet:

Myth: Older people are more prepared to cope with grief because they are more likely to have more experience of it.

Fact: People do not simply ‘get over’ their grief but over time find ways to accommodate their grief within their lives.

#BeGriefAware #NGAW2025 @IrishHospice

Suggested Tweet:

You don’t need any particular skills to support someone who is grieving. You can ask them to meet for a walk, drop by for a cup of tea or offer practical help, such as preparing a meal. It can all go a long way. #BeGriefAware #NGAW2025 @IrishHospice

Suggested Tweet:

Most bereaved people welcome the chance to talk about the person they lost. Don’t avoid mentioning the person who has died — you don’t lessen grief by avoiding the subject. #BeGriefAware #NGAW2025 @IrishHospice

Suggested Tweet:

Know someone who is grieving? It’s important to be there for them in the early days but also in the weeks and months ahead. There is no time limit to grief. It takes the time it takes. #BeGriefAware #NGAW2025 @IrishHospice


  • #BeGriefAware
  • #NGAW2025
  • #NGAW

Social Handles

Sample Tweet 1

National Grief Awareness Week is 27 January – 02 February 2025. Learning more about grief can help someone before and during the grieving process and can also help the people supporting them. #BeGriefAware #NGAW2025 @IrishHospice

Sample Tweet 2

Grief is expressed and felt in different ways. There is no right or wrong way to grieve. @IrishHospice has a dedicated Bereavement Hub 👉

#BeGriefAware #NGAW2025

Sample Tweet 3

It’s National Grief Awareness Week. Join @IrishHospice in raising awareness of grief and the importance supporting those who are bereaved. #BeGriefAware #NGAW2025

For more information, see:

Promotional Assets: Postcards

Post or give someone you know who has been bereaved our free postcard to let them know you’re thinking of them.

For requests email: [email protected].
(Limited quantities available)

an image of the front cover of the National Grief Awareness Week 2025 postcard of a watercolour painting with the NGAW 2025 logo and the IHF logo that says "Thinking of you..." and the hastags Be Grief Aware
an image of the back cover of the National Grief Awareness Week 2025 postcard that says "Please know that I am thinking of you..." with the Bereavement Support Line and Fanagans Logos

Promotional Assets: Video

Share this video about grief and loss with your friends, family and colleagues.

Contact Information

Please contact our Bereavement Team if you would like more information about National Grief Awareness Week 2024: [email protected]

For any other queries, please contact our reception: 01 679 3188

#BeGriefAware #NGAW2025
