From the very beginning, we’ve been working to improve end-of-life and bereavement care in all care settings in Ireland – hospitals, community and home – continually testing new approaches to deliver national programmes. 

Through our Healthcare Hub, we are working collaboratively to strengthen and build capacity across the sector and support those who deliver care at end of life, wherever the place. 

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In this section

An image promoting Irish Hospice Foundation's Information and Support Line. The image provides details that it is freephone 1800 60 70 66 for calls on end-of-life care, advance care planning, and palliative care queries.

Information and Support Line

This national freephone service provides information and support about end-of-life care, advance care planning and palliative care in Ireland. Open Monday to Friday, 9am to 1pm.

Hospice Friendly hospitals

Hospice Friendly Hospitals

Our pioneering programme in partnership with the HSE works to ensure end-of-life, palliative and bereavement care are central to the everyday business of our hospitals.

Caru Webpage header image


A continuous learning programme whose aim is to support and empower nursing homes and their staff in the delivery of palliative, end of life, and bereavement care.

dying well at home

Dying Well at Home

For most Irish people, home is where we would like to spend our final days. Supporting a home death can be a rewarding and comforting experience for both family and carers.

end of life care resources

End-of-Life Care Resources

Tangible resources for healthcare staff including candle, drape, keepsake pouch and handover bag providing dignity to the person who has died and support to the family at end of life.

Nurses for Night Care

Nurses for Night Care

We fund this vital service which helps people dying with illnesses other than cancer spend their last days at home surrounded by those they care about most.

Design & Dignity

We support hospitals to transform old and dated spaces into oases of calm where bad news can be broken sensitively and where families can gather in peace and privacy.

What is Palliative Care and Who is it for?

Find information and support including palliative care FAQs and our downloadable booklet on palliative care.

i work in healthcare

I Work in Healthcare

Find out more about our healthcare programmes across the sector, education and training opportunities and our COVID-19 Care & Inform hub.

HFH QI Awardees 2023

Quality Improvement Awards annually recognising projects that will improve end-of-life care for patients, their families, staff, and the hospital.