Chris Hayes and Alan Boland of the HedgeRadio podcast, based in Badgershill, Barntown just outside Wexford Town have created a new audio project, ‘Sayit Feelit’. It captures the first-hand experiences of those grieving amidst the continuing restrictions and reflects how the pandemic has dramatically disrupted how we all grieve and how we come together as communities to support those left behind.
You can listen to some short preview clips here:
Listen to the full stories of Morgan, Ronan and Servaas on
“I wanted to do this project to give people affected by the death of a loved one the chance to talk about it, to just share their story again and leave another trail of story in the life of the deceased.”
said Chris.
Morgan, Ronan and Servaas are featured in the project. I talked with them about who they lost and how they have dealt with it in the shadow of COVID-19. The conversations were informal, like one you might have at a wake or after a funeral where you are learning more about the person who has died. Learning about the flashes of colour that they brought to the lives of those around them. I am eternally grateful to them for taking part. The conversations with them were very humbling and full of that strange mix of sorrow and joy that we Irish seem to be able to hold as one emotion during funerals and wakes.
Dominic Campbell, Arts & Cultural Engagement Officer at IHF, said:
“Grief experts note that what bereaved people need is to be listened to and heard. Instead, we often try to fix and mend. Chris Hayes is an expert listener. The generosity of those interviewed, Chris and Alan’s skill in making audio experiences, charms us into paying close attention to the ways people are articulate about loss. This how a national memorial in this digital century can be made; from tiny points of connection, a culture of compassion in a Republic of care is born”.
Galway-based producer Paul Hayes has also contributed an original piece of music for project. Paul has been making and producing music from the frontier of the Irish hiphop scene since the early 1990’s. He worked under the name ‘Illdependents’ for a number of years.