by Geraldine O’Keeffe
Geraldine O’Keeffe and the ladies of Newport Women’s Shed in Tipperary created a queen-size patchwork quilt with their Seed grant. The group met every Monday evening where each member focused on a single unique square to create a dedicated reflection on the loss of a lost loved one.
Just before the quilt was completed, they had a ceremony where handmade hearts imprinted with the name of a deceased loved one were secreted into each square of the quilt. When assembled into the collective whole, the squares became a metaphor for the role of the group in the lives of these Tipperary women.
As Geraldine told us:
“The most satisfying part of the whole project was the feeling of unity, connection, and love surrounding us as we worked on the quilt. To see the joy, pride, peace, and sense of belonging it brought everyone truly touched me deeply. The night the hearts were placed in the quilt was a very spiritual and healing evening.”
The quilt has since been donated to Limerick’s Mildford Care Center to use in an auction fundraiser.
The project was also extensively featured in local media. Read this article in the Limerick Post.
About Newport Women’s Shed
The Newport Women’s Shed started in October 2021 in response to isolation within the community caused by the pandemic’s social distancing restrictions. The age range is from 20 to 70s.