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Forum 2021, our 7th biennial national conference on dying, death and bereavement, will take place online on Tuesday 5th (Day 1) and Wednesday 6th October (Day 2) 2021
Day 1 Tuesday 5th October
Times | Session | Speaker | Details |
10.30-10.45 | Event Open. Assistance with log on available via Event Team | ||
10.45-11.00 | Settling | Embrace Music Sharon Murphy and Sadhbh O’Sullivan |
Murmurations A song cycle exploring our experience of loss |
11.00-11.15 | Welcome | Sharon Foley Chief Executive Officer, Irish Hospice Foundation |
Introduction to conference, overview, reflection on pandemic |
11.15-11.25 | Opening Address | Dr Mike Ryan Executive Director of WHO Health Emergencies Programme |
Loss and COVID A dedicated presentation by video to launch our two days of discussion by setting out the context of the pandemic and the situation that we find ourselves in |
11.25-11.35 | Response | Sharon Foley | Response to address |
11.35-12.20 | Keynote and Q&A |
Kevin Toolis BAFTA winning writer, Emmy-nominated director/screenwriter, author and bardic poet |
How an Irish wake teaches us to live, love and die |
12.20-12.45 | Short movie | A Wish | A focus on the work IHF do in healthcare, even in COVID times |
12.45-1.30 | Lunch Break | ||
1.30-1.45 | Lunch & Learn | Dr Maria Pierce Research Manager, Irish Hospice Foundation |
Assisted Dying: An International review of the situation and developments in select jurisdictions that have legalised voluntary euthanasia and/or assisted suicide |
1.50-2.00 | Introduction to parallel afternoon ‘Breakout’ sessions and housekeeping | ||
2.00-2:15 | Breakout A | Host: Sharon Foley CEO Irish Hospice Foundation |
Dying, Death and Systems of Care An Introduction |
2.15-2.30 | Breakout A | Dr Paul Gregan MB BCH BAO. MRCGP, MICGP, DCH, DOBS, CSCST Palliative Med |
Learning from the pandemic |
2.30-2.45 | Breakout A | Prof Cillian Twomey Retired Irish geriatric medical consultant |
Post-pandemic reflections from a retired (sort-of) geriatrician |
2.45-3.00 | Breakout A | Dr Shaun O’Keefe MD FRCPI |
COVID-19 and end-of-life care: new challenges and new pitfalls |
3.00-3.30 | Breakout A | Panel Discussion and Q&A | |
2.00-2:15 | Breakout B | Host: Rebecca Lloyd Public Engagement Officer, Irish Hospice Foundation |
Innovation, Death and Dying An Introduction |
2.15-2.30 | Breakout B | Bettina Korn End-of-Life Care Coordinator, Hospice Friendly Hospital Programme, St. James’s Hospital |
Stories from the Frontline |
2.30-2.45 | Breakout B | Gordon Caldwell Clinical Lead in Lorn & Islands |
Changes in end-of-life care: A calm end of life in ordinary dying |
2.45-3.00 | Breakout B | Joseph Behan Hibernian Funerals: Information, the Environment & Funeral Poverty |
Innovation and the environment around the funeral. What’s available now, what’s coming and the impact of technology |
3.00-3.30 | Breakout B | Panel Discussion and Q&A | |
3.30-3.45 | Closing Session | Rebecca Lloyd Public Engagement Officer, Irish Hospice Foundation |
Think Ahead Are you ready to Think Ahead? An interactive quiz to help us all plan ahead |
3.45-4.00 | Closing Session | Reflection in Poetry with Mary Shine Thompson | |
Day 2 Wednesday 6th October
Times | Session | Speaker | Details |
10.30-10.45 | Event Open. Assistance with log on available via Event Team | ||
10.45-11.00 | Settling | Jean Pasley and Greg Burrowes Showcase screening of short film Ship of Souls written and directed by Jean Pasley and produced by Greg Burrowes |
11.00-11.15 | Introduction | Orla Keegan Head of Education & Bereavement Services, Irish Hospice Foundation |
Introduction to Day 2 of Forum Reflections on Day 1 An overview of the loss and bereavement work at IHF with some reflection on how COVID-19 highlights the need for new developments |
11.15-11.35 | Opening | Amanda Roberts Bereavement Development Officer, Irish Hospice Foundation |
The Adult Bereavement Care Pyramid – a national framework for adult bereavement care in Ireland |
11.35-12.45 | Keynote and Q&A |
Lauren Breen Associate Professor of Psychology at Curtin University, Perth |
Learning to give, seek, and accept social support following loss |
12.45-1.30 | Lunch Break | ||
1.30-1.45 | Lunch & Learn | Dominic Campbell Arts and Cultural Engagement Officer, Irish Hospice Foundation |
IHF’s Seeds Grants Supported by the Creative Ireland Programme, seeds grants make it possible for communities across Ireland to express and explore grief loss, death and bereavement |
1.50-2.00 | Introduction to parallel afternoon ‘Breakout’ sessions and housekeeping | ||
2.00-2:15 | Breakout A | Host: Breffni McGuinness National Bereavement Development Specialist for Workplaces with Irish Hospice Foundation |
Grief in the workplace An Introduction |
2.15-2.30 | Breakout A | Dr Cliona Ní Cheallaigh Consultant St James’s Hospital, Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Medicine, Trinity College Dublin. Consultant Physician, Inclusion Health Service, St James’s Hospital |
Death, grief and care in the workplace |
2.30-2.45 | Breakout A | Linda Murray Staff Development Team, Technological University Dublin (TUD) |
Supporting colleagues through loss |
2.45-3.00 | Breakout A | Laura Doyle Senior Human Resources Business partner and Head of HR at Distilled SCH |
What we learnt from COVID – The Daft.ie experience |
3.00-3.30 | Breakout A | Panel Discussion and Q&A | |
2.00-2:15 | Breakout B | Host: Avril Easton Advocacy Manager, Irish Hospice Foundation |
Bereavement and Innovation An Introduction |
2.15-2.30 | Breakout B | John Fitzsimons Bereaved husband, father of two |
The Bereaved Dads Breakfast Club |
2.30-2.45 | Breakout B | Frank Monahan Architecture at the Edge Paul Fahy Artistic Director, Galway International Arts Festival |
House of Memory is an IHF Seed Grant Scheme project, in partnership with the Creative Ireland programme. Galway International Arts Festival collaborated with Architecture at The Edge to produce House of Memory as a memorialisation while COVID eased. Together Frank and Paul reflect on the experience. |
2.45-3.00 | Breakout B | Dr. Lucy Selman Associate Professor in Palliative and End of Life Care, Founder Good Grief Festival |
Good Grief Festival, a virtual festival of love and loss. Lucy will give an overview of the festival’s development since its launch a year ago. |
3.00-3.30 | Breakout B | Panel Discussion and Q&A | |
3.30-3.45 | Closing Session | Jean Callanan Chair, Irish Hospice Foundation |
The ‘Reflections’ research initiative – An Introduction Reflection on the two day conference and the way ahead |
3.45-4.00 | Closing Session | Reflection in Poetry with Mary Shine Thompson | |
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