Section One: Privacy Policy Overview
Who are we?
We are Irish Hospice Foundation, a national charity dedicated to all matters relating to dying, death and bereavement in Ireland. Irish Hospice Foundation is a registered charity (CHY 6830 with the Irish Revenue Commissioners and Registered Charity No. 20013554 with the Charities Regulatory Authority) and a company limited by guarantee (Registered No. 114617).
The registered address is 4th Floor, Morrison Chambers, 32 Nassau Street, Dublin 2. You can contact us through the number 01-6793188 or email us at [email protected] and [email protected].
What we do?
IHF has a vision of an Ireland where people facing end of life or bereavement, and those who care for them, are provided with the care and support that they need. We began with the aim to extend availability of hospice services across the country, promote awareness of the hospice approach and develop research and education.
We raise funds for establishment of hospices and have programmes in education, research and bereavement services. We also promote discussions of a broad range of issues related to dying, death and bereavement, to identify what matters most to Irish people at the end of life and how best to address their concerns.
We process personal data of various groups of individuals for each of our programmes and you can find out who we process data about, what we do with that data, and other information regarding your data such as where we store your data and how long we keep your data for when you click each programme link.
We have 5 distinct programme departments, each of which will have their own programmes and services that you can access.
Our programme departments are as follows:
Bereavement, Education, Public Engagement, Healthcare, Fundraising.
Like any organisation, we also of course have our internal processes such as Human Resources, IT and other administrative functions. If you are an employee/staff/volunteer (prospective employees) please see our internal privacy policy, for our suppliers please see supplier privacy policy.
Section Two
Due to the breadth and scope of our services, we have provided you with this layered Privacy Notice that is divided per programme to make it easier for you to find information regarding your data. For each of our client facing programmes, we tell you:
- Who do we process data about
- What do we do with your data
- Where did we get your data from
- How long do we keep it for
- How we store your data and who we share your data with
Who do we process data about?
Under the data protection laws, “personal data” is any data that relates to an identified or identifiable living person, including electronic and hard copy records.
We process data about the following groups of individuals:
- General public who seeks support from the Bereavement Support Line (BSL), Grief in the Workplace (GITW) and the Irish Childhood Bereavement Network (ICBN)
- Bereavement service providers, counsellors, therapists or others acting in professional/volunteer support
- Grant applicants and recipients
- Event and training participants
We handle personal data that we receive from you or an authorized representative (for instance, if you contact us or make an access request), information we collect or process internally (e.g., by intake staff, or if you visit us at our office), information we receive from other units within IHF, and information we may receive from third parties.
Personal data received from callers to the Bereavement Support Line (BSL) and the Irish Childhood Bereavement Network (ICBN)
We receive information from Individuals who would like to call the Bereavement Support Line or a Support Call is received from organisations in need of bereavement advice or an individual who has a query about childhood bereavement and/or support of a bereaved child. This includes:
- Personal details such as name (where given), surname (optional)
- Contact details such as phone number which is viewable for the duration of the call
- Key data that is disclosed during the narrative which is recorded as notes by the BSL volunteer or ICBN coordinator
We also receive follow-up requests from callers to the freephone bereavement service. Details always include first names (where given), surname (optional), contact details (phone or email), location (general area such as town if seeking local services, address when requesting materials to be posted), general context of query as notes.
Personal data received from callers to Grief in the Workplace (GITW)
We receive information from Employers who require support in the aftermath of a workplace bereavement or required grief in the workplace training as well as workplace training requests received from employers. This includes:
- Personal details such as name (where given), surname (optional) of the caller and sometimes the first name of an employee who died
- Contact details such as workplace phone number and email of the caller
- Key data that is disclosed during the narrative around workplace incidents/deaths/work context/training needs which is recorded as notes by the GITW Coordinator after the call
- Employer for grief in the workplace calls
Personal data received from bereavement service providers, counsellors and therapists
We collect personal information from bereavement service providers who are part of or wish to be part of our network of professionals. These service providers include counsellors and therapists, and we keep their names, contact details (email and address), organization, role and IACP registration number.
For those service providers that we engage on a paid basis as resource speakers to our events and activities, we also keep a copy of their bio, a photo as well as their payment details and PPS.
Personal data received from grant applicants and recipients
IHF hosts Local Bereavement Development Grants and for these we collect information from grant applicants (some of whom eventually become recipients). This includes their names, email addresses, organization name and job title.
Personal data received from participants of events and trainings
We receive information from individuals who would like to participate in our Bereavement Network events. This includes:
- For participants of trainings: names, email addresses, organization, role
- For participants of other events: names, email addresses
Under the data protection laws, “personal data” is any data that relates to an identified or identifiable living person, including electronic and hard copy records.
We process data about the following groups of individuals:
- Students and prospective students
- Lecturers
- Alumni
- IHF Staff, IHF Networks (i.e. ICBN) and bereavement networks
- Lecture attendees and the general public
We handle personal data that we receive from you or an authorized representative (for instance, if you contact us or make an access request), information we collect or process internally (e.g., by intake staff, or if you visit us at our office), information we receive from other units within IHF, and information we may receive from third parties.
Personal data received from prospective students and students
We receive information from prospective students who apply for places for our courses delivered in conjunction with RCSI programmes (PCCL and MSc). This includes:
- For applicants/prospective students: photo, student ID, name, address, phone number, email, education and professional background. PPS Number. Our application form also asks for personal reasons for taking the course. For MSc applicants, name and contact details of next of kin, transcript of grades obtained in previous educational history.
- For registered students: name, student ID, postal address, personal email address and RCSI email address, telephone number, record of fees, payment details, grades and awards.
- For scholarship applicants: name, contact details, work and education history, CV; financial details for successful applicants
Personal data received from lecturers
We collect the following information from our lecturers: name, contact details, PPS Nos, IBAN bank details and CVs.
Personal data received from alumni
We retain the names and contact information such as address and email address of our alumni.
Personal data of IHF staff, IHF networks and bereavement networks
Aside from our students, our library resources are also available to our staff and community. For this service, we collect email addresses of staff and members of our networks who access our library services.
Personal data of lecture attendees and the general public
We collect the information of the individuals who are interested to attend our courses (PCCL and MSc) and workshops (Annual Series of Workshops on Loss and Bereavement) as well as those who actually sign up to attend. This includes:
- For attendees: names, contact details such as email and telephone numbers, job title, addresses and place of work (optional), and bank account details
- Names and email addresses for those who have subscribed to be part of our mailing list for event/course marketing materials
Public Engagement
Under the data protection laws, “personal data” is any data that relates to an identified or identifiable living person, including electronic and hard copy records.
We process data about the following groups of individuals:
- Customers and general public
- GPs and healthcare workers
- Artists, event participants and community groups
We handle personal data that we receive from you or an authorized representative (for instance, if you contact us or make an access request), information we collect or process internally (e.g., by intake staff, or if you visit us at our office), information we receive from other units within IHF, and information we may receive from third parties.
Personal data received from customers and the general public
We receive information directly from individuals who would like to be informed and updated about our events when they fill out our online form. This includes their names and contact details such as their phone numbers and email addresses.
Personal data received from GPs and healthcare workers
For our Think Ahead Programme, we collect personal information from GPs and healthcare workers who order hardcopies of the Think Ahead kits and other printed materials related to the programme. For this, we collect the names, addresses, and contact details.
Personal data received from grant applicants and recipients
IHF Arts and Community Engagement provides support to groups, organisations and individuals who are exploring creative ways of marking responses to dying, death and bereavement. This support is done through the IHF Seed Grants are and for these we collect information from grant applicants (some of whom eventually become recipients). This includes their names, email and postal addresses, and phone number.
Under the data protection laws, “personal data” is any data that relates to an identified or identifiable living person, including electronic and hard copy records.
We process data about the following groups of individuals (also known as data subjects):
- Patients and patient support (family members, carers, contact person)
- Employees of various agencies: HSE, ICS, IHF
- Social workers in hospices and hospitals
- Health and social care professionals and staff of NGOs
We handle personal data that we receive from you or an authorized representative (for instance, if you contact us or make an access request), information we collect or process internally (e.g., by intake staff, or if you visit us at our office), information we receive from other units within IHF, and information we may receive from third parties.
Personal data of patients and patient support
For the management of our Nurses for Night Care services we receive information to better provide support.
- For Patients: names, addresses, contact number, medical condition, data of birth and their contact person.
- For Patient Support: names and contact details
Personal data received from health and social care professionals, staff of NGOs, nursing homes, other care facilities
To maintain a contact list of our network for our newsletters and events (including workshops and trainings) we collect personal information from health and social care professionals, staff of NGOs that deal with end-of-life care, dying, and bereavement as well as staff of nursing homes, hospices and other care facilities. For this, we collect the names, contact details, role and name of institution/hospital group.
Personal data received from grant applicants and recipients
IHF provides a Hardship Grant which makes payments towards funeral costs of people who have already died. To manage this fund, we collect information from grant applicants (some of whom eventually become recipients). This includes their names, nationality, addresses, and circumstances for requesting the grant.
Personal data of IHF staff, and staff of various agencies such as the HSE and ICS
IHF processes the personal data of its employees for specific corporate and business processes. Professional contact details of staff of the HSE and ICS are also collected for the conduct of services and other business processes.
Under the data protection laws, “personal data” is any data that relates to an identified or identifiable living person, including electronic and hard copy records.
We process data about the following groups of individuals:
- Donors
- Representatives of Trusts and Organisations
- Third party fundraisers for community events
- Participants of IHF events (overseas: Cycle Challenge and Camino Walk; domestic: local events and annual raffle)
- Individuals involved in Rosabel’s Rooms (parents, medical professionals, social workers, notaries, etc.)
- Customers of online products
We handle personal data that we receive from you or an authorized representative (for instance, if you contact us or make an access request), information we collect or process internally (e.g., by intake staff, or if you visit us at our office), information we receive from other units within IHF, and information we may receive from third parties.
Personal data received from Donors
We receive information from Individuals who would like to donate to the Irish Hospice Foundation in various ways. This includes:
- Regular donors (direct debit): name, bank/credit card details
- Door to Door donors: name, address, email, telephone number, bank or credit card details
- Legacy giving: name of solicitor, details of executor (occasionally)
Personal data received from representatives of Corporations, Trusts and Foundations
We also ask for support from Corporations, Trusts and Foundations. For this, we store personal information of their nominated or assigned contact persons. Aside from their names, we usually have their business email and phone numbers.
Personal data received from 3rd party fundraisers
Sometimes, our supporters organize events for the benefit of IHF. For community fundraising we collect the information of the supporter organizing the event. This includes their names, addresses, contact details such as email and telephone numbers.
Personal data received from participants of fundraising events
We receive information from individuals who would like to participate in IHF fundraising events both here in Ireland and abroad. This includes:
- For participants of overseas events: names, contact details, names of next of kin, date of birth, passport details, contact details and some medical details including allergies for their dietary requirements.
- For participants of local events: names, addresses, contact details, credit card details
Personal data of individuals involved in Rosabel’s Rooms
Rosabel’s Rooms is an IHF partner programme supporting parents and families after the death of a child (age birth – 21 years). We collect the information of the individuals involved in the operation of Rosabel’s Rooms. This includes:
- For Parents: names, addresses, contact details such as email and telephone numbers and bank account details
- Names of medical professionals, social workers and notaries
Personal data received from customers of online products
We also receive personal details of our online shop customers and this includes their names, addresses, email and contact numbers.
What do we do with your data?
We process people’s data for several purposes including:
- To provide bereavement support to callers and emergency response (if required) for the Bereavement Support Line, Rosabel’s Room to Talk, Grief in the Workplace
- To maintain a network of bereavement service providers and professionals (i.e., Irish Childhood Bereavement Network (ICBN), Local Bereavement Networks, etc)
- To conduct training and other events (for ICBN, GITW, Training Links Project, other training events for professionals)
- To process requests for information materials, leaflets, etc.
We process people’s data for several purposes including:
- For courses delivered in conjunction with RCSI (PCCL and MSc courses), from recruitment to delivering the said courses and awarding degrees.
- To conduct annual workshop series as well as recruitment
- To maintain and operate library services
- To process scholarships
- To maintain alumni network
- For internal audit and other corporate processes
Public Engagement
We process people’s data for several purposes including:
- To conduct our public events, webinars and fora (Think Ahead, Arts and Engagement)
- To contact customers regarding their feedback on the Think Ahead programme
- To process Think Ahead orders from GPs and healthcare professionals
- To award Seed Grants and the manage the grant.
We process people’s data for several purposes including:
- To manage our Nurses for Night Care services
- To manage the Hardship Grants
- To maintain a contact list for our various newsletters (Dying Well at Home, Hospice Friendly Hospitals, Caru)
- To conduct our events such as workshops and trainings
- Internal case management and other business processes
We process people’s data for several purposes including:
- Maintaining accurate records of donations received by IHF
- Process regular donations from donor bank account or credit card
- To raise funds through networks
- To process donor’s tax claim from Revenue
- To acknowledge donations and send thank you notes to donors
- Keeping emergency contact details of participants in overseas fundraising activities.
- Process online shop orders
Where did we get your data?
Most of our data is collected from the clients themselves when they call the Bereavement Support Line or initiate contact with IHF by email or signing up to our events through Eventbrite. We also get enquiries by post or calls to the IHF office lines. Some information is collected when you fill out forms on our website (i.e. for grants) and through the ICBN website.
Most of our data is collected from the data subject themselves (ie prospective students, students) when sign up to apply for our programmes. These may have been done in person, through mailed in forms or through web forms from our website.
Most of the data on our students from the programmes delivered in conjunction with RCSI is collected from RCSI online Student Management System.
Public Engagement
Most of our data is collected from the customers themselves when they sign up to be updated about our events through online forms on our website or signing up to our events through Eventbrite. Sometimes information is collected when you fill out online forms or download forms from our website (i.e. for grants) and email the forms to us.
Most of our data is collected from the data subjects themselves (i.e. healthcare professionals and allied professions) when they sign up to be updated about our events through online forms on our website or signing up to our events through Eventbrite. Sometimes information is collected when you fill out online forms or download forms from our website (i.e. for grants) and email the forms to us.
Most of our data is collected from the donors themselves when they sign up to donate or IHF. These may have been done in person in door-to-door recruitment, through mailed in forms or through web forms from our website and social media partners (Facebook). We also collect data from WaysAct, DMS and Bill Moss.
How long do we keep it for?
IHF retains data only for as long as necessary or required by law and that retention period varies depending on the nature of the data. In general, the retention period for the peripheral data coming in through the support lines is six months as per internal policy. Project based data such as grants are deleted after project completion.
IHF retains data only for as long as necessary or required by law and that retention period varies depending on the nature of the data. For example, we destroy assignments as soon as the course is finished but we keep a list of graduates for historical purposes.
In general, the retention period for financial documents and other peripheral documentation produced in the course of delivering our programmes is 7 years as per the statute of limitation.
Public Engagement
IHF retains data only for as long as necessary or required by law and that retention period varies depending on the nature of the data. In general, the retention period for financial documents and other peripheral documentation produced in the course of delivering our programme’s is 7 years as per the statute of limitation.
IHF retains data only for as long as necessary or required by law and that retention period varies depending on the nature of the data. In general, the retention period for financial documents and other peripheral documentation produced while delivering our programmes is 7 years as per the statute of limitation. That said, personal details of healthcare professionals in our contact list are removed upon request.
IHF retains data only for as long as necessary or required by law and that retention period varies depending on the nature of the data. In general, the retention period for financial documents and other peripheral documentation produced in the course of delivering our programmes is 7 years as per the statute of limitation.
How we store your data and who we share your data with.
Personal data processed by IHF is held confidentially and is not shared with third parties, with exceptions outlined below. In some cases, we must share personal data with service providers who assist us in performing our functions and fulfilling our obligations. When your personal information is processed by an outsourced service provider or another public body, e.g., Eventbrite, they are considered a “data processor” under the law. As a data processor, they are legally required to process your data based on our written instructions, and to have suitable safeguards and controls in place to protect your data. Our data processors have all signed data processing agreement or contracts with IHF.
Our Processors:
- Eventbrite
- Microsoft (for Office 365 applications such as SharePoint, Outlook, Teams)
- Zoom
- WordPress
- Survey Monkey
- Our legal and data protection advisors
For the courses offered in conjunction with the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI), we are the data processor and as such all the data collected and produced is shared with RCSI as the data controller. RCSI Privacy Policy can be found here.
Personal data processed by IHF is held confidentially and is not shared with third parties, with exceptions outlined below. In some cases, we must share personal data with service providers who assist us in performing our functions and fulfilling our obligations. When your personal information is processed by an outsourced service provider or another public body, e.g., Cobblestone LMS, they are considered a “data processor” under the law. As a data processor, they are legally required to process your data based on our written instructions, and to have suitable safeguards and controls in place to protect your data. Our data processors have all signed data processing agreement or contracts with IHF.
Our Processors:
- Cobblestone LMS
- Microsoft (Office 365 applications such as Outlook, SharePoint
- Mailchimp
- Moodle
- Eventbrite
- Markers and Externs
Public Engagement
Personal data processed by IHF is held confidentially and is not shared with third parties, with exceptions outlined below. In some cases, we must share personal data with service providers who assist us in performing our functions and fulfilling our obligations. When your personal information is processed by an outsourced service provider or another public body, e.g., Eventbrite, they are considered a “data processor” under the law. As a data processor, they are legally required to process your data based on our written instructions, and to have suitable safeguards and controls in place to protect your data. Our data processors have all signed data processing agreement or contracts with IHF.
Our Processors:
- Eventbrite
- Microsoft (for Office 365 applications such as Excel, Teams)
- Mailchimp
- Zoom
- Our legal and data protection advisors
Personal data processed by IHF is held confidentially and is not shared with third parties, with exceptions outlined below. In some cases, we must share personal data with service providers who assist us in performing our functions and fulfilling our obligations. When your personal information is processed by an outsourced service provider or another public body, e.g., Eventbrite, they are considered a “data processor” under the law. As a data processor, they are legally required to process your data based on our written instructions, and to have suitable safeguards and controls in place to protect your data. Our data processors have all signed data processing agreement or contracts with IHF.
Our Processors:
- Eventbrite
- Microsoft (for Office 365 applications such as Excel, Teams, SharePoint)
- Mailchimp
- Zoom
- Our legal and data protection advisors
Personal data processed by IHF is held confidentially and is not shared with third parties, with exceptions outlined below. In some cases, we must share personal data with service providers who assist us in performing our functions and fulfilling our obligations. When your personal information is processed by an outsourced service provider or another public body, e.g., Raisers Edge, they are considered a “data processor” under the law. As a data processor, they are legally required to process your data based on our written instructions, and to have suitable safeguards and controls in place to protect your data. Our data processors have all signed data processing agreement or contracts with IHF.
Our Processors:
- Raisers Edge
- Mailchimp
- Sharepoint
- Cloud CRM
- WooCommerce
- Our legal and data protection advisors
Section Three
We have implemented technical, administrative, and physical security measures that are designed to protect against unauthorized access, disclosure, use, and modification. We regularly review our security procedures to consider appropriate new technology and methods. However, despite our best efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. Our security measures include:
- Strong access controls and monitoring of access;
- Antivirus and antimalware protection of systems, including desktops and staff laptops;
- Use of encryption and pseudonymization techniques when feasible;
- Training and awareness on data protection and data security measures;
- Clear policies and procedures for protecting personal data and promptly reporting suspected or confirmed privacy breaches
Section Four: Your Rights As A Data Subject
What are your rights and who you should contact
Individuals have rights over their personal data under EU law. These rights are not absolute and some qualifications and restrictions do apply. In summary your rights are: Right of access; Right to rectification; Right to be forgotten / erasure; Right to restrict processing; Right to object; Right to refuse automated decision making and/or profiling; Right to portability. You also have the right to seek compensation through the courts in the event that your data privacy rights have been infringed.
IHF is committed to helping individuals exercise their rights. If you have a query you can email us at [email protected] or contact us though the other contact details above.
Right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Commissioner or seek judicial remedy
Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with our regulator, the Data Protection Commission in respect of any processing, by or on behalf of the Department, of personal data relating to you.
Making a complaint to the DPC is simple and free. All you need to do is write to the Data Protection Commission, providing details about the matter. You should clearly identify the organisation (in this instance the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth). The DPC’s contact details are below:
Postal Address:
Data Protection Commission
21 Fitzwilliam Square South Dublin 2
D02 RD28
You are also allowed to seek a judicial remedy if you believe your rights have been infringed because of non-compliance with the Act.
Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to other websites. This privacy policy applies only to our website‚ so we encourage you to read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit. We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other sites even if you access them by using links from our website. In addition, if you linked to our website from a third party site, we cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of the owners and operators of that third party site and recommend that you check the policy of that third party site.
Review of this Policy
We keep this Policy under review. This Policy was last updated in March 2024.
We keep your personal information private and safe — we do not sell, rent or share your information.
Should you wish to retrieve or delete the personal data that we store on our website database please click here