The Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF) in partnership with Creative Life at the Mercer Institute for Successful Ageing (MISA), St James’s Hospital will be serving up tea, cake and conversations of death at the Bealtaine Festival next month.
Comhrá Bás, Cáca agus Cupán will be hosted at MISA, St. James’s Hospital on Thursday 9 May from 12-2pm as part of the Age & Opportunity Bealtaine Festival which celebrates arts and creativity as we age.
Open to the public, the IHF is encouraging people to come along; to drink tea, eat cake and take some time to think, talk and tell each other what really matters to us at the end of life.
Rebecca Lloyd is Public Engagement Officer with the IHF. She says: “Talking about death and dying is rarely easy but when we consider that whatever stage of life we are at, death is usually with us in one way or another – it is perhaps something we should think about more often. Thinking and talking together in a safe space about death is an important and often overlooked part of a healthy society. Talking gives us opportunity to share our wisdom and our worries, and perhaps do some planning for our individual and collective futures.”
This is a free event. Spaces are limited – booking required. Reserve your place here