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Category: Healthcare


Residents and staff at Moate Nursing Home officially launched their end-of-life care vision. The project is a central part of their work with CEOL (Compassionate End of Life), a programme run by the Irish Hospice Foundation (IHF).  CEOL is a quality improvement programme for residential care centres (RCCs) and nursing homes across Ireland. It enables […]

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A&E Viewing Room transformed at Tallaght University Hospital

  A&E Viewing Room transformed at Tallaght University Hospital The newly transformed viewing room in the Emergency Department at Tallaght University Hospital (TUH) has been officially opened. Funded through the Irish Hospice Foundation’s (IHF) and HSE’s Design & Dignity programme, the viewing room forms part of the Rosheen Suite, which also includes two refurbished family […]

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When Someone You Care About is Dying in Hospital: What to Expect booklet launched

The new information booklet, When someone you care about is dying in hospital – What to expect was officially launched today in Dublin (Thursday 20 September, 2018). It was revealed alongside the launch of the Ombudsman’s report, A Good Death: Progress Report, into the developments in end-of-life care in Irish hospitals. The new booklet is the direct […]

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“It is ok to talk about death”


In Ireland, there are over 28,000 people living in residential care, with approximately 7,000 dying each year in these settings. CEOL (Compassionate End of Life), an IHF programme, helps residential care centers, including nursing homes, across Ireland, identify and implement changes to enhance end-of-life care for their residents, families, and staff. Over 100 centers have […]

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