Our strategy is similar to that of a lighthouse shining light on specific areas of need in end-of-life and bereavement support, and then actively investing, innovating and developing responsive services and programmes.

Our Vision
is an Ireland where people experiencing dying, death and bereavement are provided with the care and support they need.
Our Mission
is to work towards the best end-of-life and bereavement care for all.
Our Beliefs
- People wish for and have the right to be cared for, and to die with dignity and respect, in the care setting of their choice
- That support through bereavement nurtures healing and resilience, among individuals, households, communities and workplaces
- Every death matters – and we only have one chance to get it right
Strategic Priorities
Advocacy & Influence
We will advocate for improvement in palliative and end of life care, as well as investment in childrens’ palliative care. We will support ‘planning ahead’ and ensure the equity of access to end-of-life and bereavement services.
Shaping End-of-Life Care. Wherever the Place
We will consolidate our work through our Healthcare Hub and continue to deliver our programmes in the community. We will extend our Hospice Friendly Hospitals Programme and foster and incubate innovation in end-of-life care and palliative care in all settings.
Bereavement & Loss
We will advocate for better bereavement supports nationally and consolidate our work through our Bereavement and Loss Hub.
With our partners we will support innovation and development in all areas of bereavement care, education and training.
Education & Transfer of Learning
We will focus our education and training on care at end-of-life in hospital and community settings, and bereavement care, as well as provide resources for workplaces and self-care amongst health and social care service staff.
Conversation & Communication
Through our
public engagement we will create a safe space of conversation on death, dying and bereavement to reduce fear, isolation and poor information. We will strengthen our capacity in community engagement and use the strength of advocacy and research to support arts, cultural and creative responses.
Our People & Our Organisation
We will deliver our work through our skilled and compassionate staff who do so with pride, integrity, strength and governance.
We commit to being responsive and agile while strengthening a culture of support and development.
Funding & Governance
As 92% of our funding comes directly from the public, trust is critical. We commit to excel in governance and quality management systems, maintain our triple lock status, strengthen our fundraising programme and remain innovative.
ESG Strategy
Our ESG Strategy provides and overview of our ESG Commitment Framework; our current status in relation to environmental, social and governance practices; and opportunities for IHF for further commitments in the individual areas.