Considering who to remember with a parting gift in your will is one of the most meaningful and life-affirming decisions you’ll ever make. 

Having an up-to-date will is an act of love you can set in motion today to protect the ones you love, and if you choose, the causes you care about too. To find out more, please fill out the form below, call Anna on (01) 679 3188 or email: [email protected]


Many of us will be in a position to give more in our will than we ever could while we are alive. Including a gift in your will won’t cost you anything in your lifetime but will impact long into the future and make a huge difference to people’s lives.

Legacy gifts or ‘gifts in will’ are an important source of income for us, allowing us to make long-term plans in support of end-of-life and bereavement care across Ireland. They are also a way of enabling you to continue to support our work beyond your lifetime.

By remembering us in your will, you can help ensure our work will continue to benefit those facing the end of their lives and those closest to them for generations to come.

Below, we answer common questions about leaving a legacy:

1.   How do I make a will?

You can make a will at any stage of your life. You don’t have to be sick or getting older to make one and the peace of mind you’ll gain from having a valid will in place can be a great comfort. We suggest contacting your solicitor who’ll be able to give you professional advice based on your personal circumstances and answer any questions you might have. If you don’t have a solicitor of choice, contact the Law Society of Ireland for a list of solicitors in your area.

2.   I want to leave a legacy but I’ve already made my will. Can I change it?

It’s important you review your will regularly, particularly if there is a significant change in your circumstances like getting married, buying a new house, having a baby or are about to retire. Even if you have an existing will, it can be changed to include a gift to the charity of your choice. This change is called a “codicil” and can be easily drawn up by your solicitor.

3.   How do I leave a gift to Irish Hospice Foundation in my will?

There are three ways in you can leave a gift to a charity in your will:

  • A residuary bequest. This means the remainder or part of the remainder of your estate is bequeathed to your charity of choice once all of your family and loved ones have been taken care of.
  • A pecuniary bequest. This is a specific sum of money you would like to donate your chosen charity from your estate. You can ask for this donation amount to be index-linked to ensure its value remains the same over time.
  • A specific gift of property e.g. jewellery, household items, a building or shares.

Your solicitor will be able to give you advice on which option best suits your wishes and personal circumstances.

4.   Example of wording

Your solicitor may find the following wording helpful if you’d like to remember us in your will.

For a gift of the residue of an estate:

“I give to Irish Hospice Foundation of 32 Nassau Street, Dublin 2, all [or a fraction] of the residue of my estate whatsoever and wheresoever, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of the said Foundation shall be full and sufficient discharge of the same.”

For a gift of a fixed sum or specific item:

“I give the sum of €_______ or I bequeath ________ [the item specified] to Irish Hospice Foundation of 32 Nassau Street, Dublin 2, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of the said Foundation shall be full and sufficient discharge of the same.”

5.   How much should I leave to Irish Hospice Foundation?

This is totally up to you. No matter how small or large your gift is, it will make a lasting difference to our work and will be hugely valued.

We are a proud member of My Legacy, an umbrella group of over 80 Irish charities who work together to promote the great importance of making a will and to ask people to consider leaving a legacy gift to a favourite charity, once family and friends have been taken care of and all other important personal decisions have been made.