Bereavement Support Line 1800 80 70 77

Palliative Care Week 2021

palliative care week 2021

We are a proud partner of Palliative Care Week 2021, which takes place from Sunday 12 to Saturday 18 September 2021. 

This year’s theme is Palliative Care: It’s more than you think 

Hosted by the All-Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care (AIIHPC), it aims to raise awareness of the difference palliative care can make to people with life-limiting conditions, carers and families throughout the island of Ireland.  

Working with partners and colleagues across the palliative care sector and with other organisations and individuals interested in health and wellbeing, AIIHPC has facilitated an annual Palliative Care Week since 2014. 

For more information, visit The Palliative Hub web site.

IHF will participate in two webinars during Palliative Care Week: 

Practice Nurse webinar  

On Tuesday 14 September we will host our first Practice Nurse webinar from 1-2pm. The focus will be on communication around Think Ahead and Grief & Loss.  

Supporting Staff Health & Wellbeing 

CEOL network Supporting Staff Health & Wellbeing Webinar

We are delighted to be partnering with Nursing Homes Ireland (NHI) for our September CEOL Virtual Network. Hosted by NHI with LHP Skillnet, the next in a series of NHI webinars is taking place on Wednesday, September 15th from 2.30-4.00pm. The theme is ‘Building resilience and developing coping mechanisms for staff working in End-of-Life Care’ 
and will be presented by Kate Steele and Joanne Brennan, Irish Hospice Foundation 

This webinar is accredited with 1.5 NMBI CEU and aims to be an interactive webinar where attendees will be asked to participate in polls. As a result, the use of will be required on the day. You are also asked to print this handout and bring it with you to the webinar. 

Palliative Care FAQ

Palliative care is holistic care that focuses on relieving pain and other symptoms when you have a serious illness, regardless of age, diagnosis, or stage of illness. This type of care aims to improve the quality of life for people with life-limiting illnesses and their families. 

Read our frequently-asked questions about palliative care
