This section is for organisations or individuals who provide direct support to people who are bereaved and for those who support bereaved people in their day-to-day work

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National Bereavement Forum 2023

This is the 6th National Bereavement Forum (NBF) hosted by Irish Hospice Foundation, the first of which was held in Dublin in 2016.

Irish Hospice Foundation Workshops 2024, Loss and Bereavement.

Bereavement Workshops 2024

A series of introductory workshops on a range of topics covering loss and bereavement. Available to book now on Eventbrite.

MSc Loss & Bereavement 2021-2023

MSc in Loss & Bereavement

We deliver this Masters course in collaboration with RCSI who we have been working together with since 2004 to deliver bereavement education programmmes.

adult bereavement care pyramid

Adult Bereavement Care Pyramid

We developed this tiered framework through a national collaborative process to guide those working with and supporting bereaved people in Ireland.


Our Therese Brady library

We are home to Ireland's only library dedicated to death, dying and bereavement. Opened in 2003, it central to the bereavement information and education functions of IHF.

Professional Certificate Children and Loss 2021to2022

Professional Certificate in Children & Loss

Our course in collaboration with RCSI, aims to equip professionals working with children and adolescents with the skills to understand and support them in grief.


Local Bereavement Development Grants

Awarded annually to groups of six or more organisations who provide some level of bereavement support and all operating within a geographical region


Scholarships in EOL and Bereavement Care

We are offering four postgraduate scholarships for the academic year 2022/23 of €3,000 each, aiming to make education accessible to multiple disciplines.

Local Bereavement Networks bring bereavement service providers together in a region to increase awareness of bereavement and local bereavement services and supports.