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Bereavement Networks Lunch & Learn Series

An image promoting a webinar called "Standards for Supporting Bereaved Children & Young People," on May 28 at 12:30 p.m. This webinar is hosted by Irish Hospice Foundation

Standards for Supporting Bereaved Children and Young People

The ‘Standards for Supporting Bereaved Children and Young People – A Framework for Development’ 2023, illustrate a way forward in the promotion of the child or young person’s voice in Irish society, in order that their needs may be appropriately recognised and supported when they are bereaved. We use the language of standards to illustrate a multi-layered vision for bereavement support to emphasise the highest level of care that our bereaved children and young people deserve. 

Hosted by Irish Childhood Bereavement Network and Irish Hospice Foundation Local Bereavement Networks.

Learning Outcomes 

  • An overview of the Standards for Supporting Bereaved Children and Young People and an introduction to the resources and material within the document 
  • Suggestions and ideas of how the framework can be used in the day-to-day setting   

Date: Tuesday, May 28
Time: 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Location: Online via Zoom

To join this webinar, please register on Zoom.


Maura Keating, National Coordinator, Irish Childhood Bereavement Network 

Maura Keating is the Irish Childhood Bereavement Network (ICBN) National Coordinator at Irish Hospice Foundation for the past 7 years. The ICBN is a hub for those working with bereaved children, young people and their families. She has worked in the support and development of children’s services at practice and policy level for over 4 decades. 
