Bereavement Support Line 1800 80 70 77

IHF Statement: COVID-19

Friday 13 March 2020

The IHF office will be closed this coming Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 March.

Following the Government’s announcement on March 12 in relation to COVID-19, flexible working arrangements, for example, remote working, will then be in place for all IHF staff.

This arrangement will be in place until Friday April 3. We will review this policy on an ongoing basis.  All staff are available on email and we will try to reply to all queries. Our RCSI postgraduate lectures will be delivered online, where possible. 

The Irish Hospice Foundation also funds the Nurses for Night Care Service for those with non-cancer related illnesses in partnership with the Irish Cancer Society. The service will continue to operate over the coming weeks. We will remain in close contact with the Irish Cancer Society during this period.

We thank all our supporters for their continued generosity. We have made the decision to postpone a number of our activities and events so if you would like any further updates or advice on fundraising with us or for us,  please email the team at [email protected]   

For all further queries, please call Main Reception on 01 679 3188 or email [email protected]

Please mind yourself and keep safe.

In the meantime, we recommend you stay up to date with latest information on COVID-19 via the HSE website
