Bereavement Support Line 1800 80 70 77

Pre-Budget Submission 2023

pre budget submission 2023

Read the Summary Irish Hospice Foundation Pre-Budget Submission 2023

Key priorities for Budget 2023  

  • Resourcing a national approach to palliative, end-of-life and bereavement care – €500,000
  • Quality end-of-life care, wherever the place – €650,000
  • Investment in community bereavement supports – €500,000
  • Support the public to plan for their end of life – €100,000

Priority 1. Resourcing a national approach to palliative, end-of-life and bereavement care – €500,000

Actions required in Budget 2023:

1. Commitment to launch and resource the forthcoming National Adult Palliative
Care Policy with an associated implementation plan and appropriate costings to
support the work.

2. Explicit support for the development of an infrastructure within the HSE that
supports a coordinated approach toward end-of-life care.

3. Investment that will further support the meaningful and supportive role that
the creative arts play in end-of-life and bereavement care across society as a
whole – €500,000.

Priority 2. Quality end-of-life care, wherever the place – €650,000

Actions required in Budget 2023:

4. Political commitment to capital investment to secure the building of a hospice
for the Midlands and North East in partnership with the regional hospice
entities and the HSE.

5. Delivery of the proposed investment in the National Mortuaries Programme
through the HSE Capital Plan 2022.

6. Sustained multi annual funding to cover 50% of the ever-increasing nursing
costs to deliver the Nurses for Night Care service – €650,000.

7. Sustained political support for the work programme that is being jointly
delivered by Irish Hospice Foundation, All Ireland Institute of Hospice and
Palliative Care and the HSE to deliver person-centred palliative, end-of-life
and bereavement care in nursing homes.

Priority 3. Investment in community bereavement supports – €500,000

Actions required in Budget 2023:

8. Commitment to fund a scoping study of a national bereavement policy, led
by the Department of Health – €100,000.

9. Continued investment in a national bereavement awareness campaign, led by
the HSE – €200,000.

10. Increase in co-funded support from the HSE to deliver the Irish Hospice Foundation’s Bereavement Support Line – €75,000.

11. Funding to implement key recommendations from ‘The Economic Impacts of Bereavement in Ireland’ report including the development of a specific online bereavement information service – €125,000.

Priority 4. Support the public to plan for their end of life – €100,000

Actions required in Budget 2023:

12. Initiation of a Register of Advance Healthcare Directives, by the Decision Support Service, as outlined in legislation.

13. Funding for Think Ahead programme of work to encourage and enable Irish people to think, talk and plan ahead for their end of life – €100,000.

Read the complete Pre-Budget Submission 2023
