Palliative Care Week takes place from September 10th – 16th. This year’s theme is Palliative Care: Living for Today, Planning for Tomorrow […]
First Student Death Café Gains High Honours at RCSI
A medical student Death Café, facilitated by Irish Hospice Foundation, placed runner up in the Education Innovation Award category at Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (RCSI) on 21st June. It is believed to be the first ever Death Cafe for medical students in the country–just the day prior the Irish Times published an extensive […]
Putting The House in Order Limerick
AFTER the hugely successful Putting The House in Order series in Clare last year, we are now partnering with Age Friendly Limerick to bring the information sessions to the county starting in February. There is one thing that you may not want to consider, because, here in Ireland, we do not like to talk about […]
Book Now: Planning for the Future Seminar
Are you a Healthcare Professional? Are you ready for the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act? Do you want to seize the opportunity to address challenges around Advance Care Planning and Advance Healthcare Directives? Join us for Planning For the Future: Conversations & Challenges at the Alex Hotel on Wednesday 24 October. Fee: €50 Check out the Programme […]
Welcoming “Finite Lives” Report
The Irish Hospice Foundation welcomes the newly published report Finite Lives which examines State Services around dying, death and bereavement. Angela Edghill, Irish Hospice Foundation, Advocacy and Public Engagement Manager said the ground breaking report is the first of its kind and proves that dying is everyone’s business. Ms […]
Are we ready to “Think Ahead”? Research says yes
Research on end-of-life planning shows Irish patients are well able to “Think Ahead” The Irish Hospice Foundation and the Forum on End of Life in Ireland have today (21st welcomed the publication in The Irish Medical Journal (IMJ) this month of a General Practice based study which found a strongly positive response by patients to […]
Matt Cooper talks about Think Ahead & DNR decision on the Saturday Night Show
Matt Cooper talks about Think Ahead For most of us, discussions and signing of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders will only happen once. But Matt Cooper, host of “The Last Word” was faced with the difficult decision of signing DNR consents for both parents. Matt spoke about this experience with Brendan O’Connor on the Saturday Night […]
Think Ahead – One Family’s Story
Wendy plans for end-of-life with Think Ahead Wendy Coughlan from Greystones, who has terminal cancer, discusses how she has used the Think Ahead Form. Wendy has used Think Ahead to plan for her end-of-life care with her family. In this video, she and her daughter, Helen, speak openly and passionately about how Think Ahead has helped […]
Briefing paper on Advance Healthcare Directives
Questions and answers on Advance Healthcare Directives This briefing paper answers some of the questions people may have about the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) bill and the issue of Advance Care Directives. “This act provides a legislative policy framework which supports our work to enable people think about what they want for themselves at end of life, primarily through […]
Taoiseach urges people to Think Ahead and plan for End of Life
TAOISEACH Enda Kenny today (Thursday) launched phase two of Think Ahead, an initiative which encourages people to plan for end of life by recording their wishes in the event of an emergency, serious illness or death. Developed by the Forum on End of Life in Ireland, a project of the Irish Hospice Foundation, […]